Montag, 17. November 2014

1St Experiences with #CineStillFilm #800T

It started at the 2014 Photokina in Cologne. At the booth of CineStillFilm I had seen that film the first time - and heared about the Kickstarter Project for 120-Type-Films.

At home I placed some Dollars at Kickstarter and later I found 135-Type-Films available at Fotoimpex, So I ordered 3 of these films and lodes the one to my Pentax Super A.

Meanwhile the Kickstarter-Project failed but my initial film is exposed and devoloped.

The use of tungsten film with 800-ASA is very limited but the results show that this film has it's qualities.

All these pictures have been taken with a M35/2,0 w/o any tripod - but see yourself:


The results are vey impessive and night athmosphere is shwon in a unique way. 

Especially with sufficient exposure (related to 800 ASA) the results are absolutely great- but when taking picture at night some areas of the pictures are underexposed/black. These ares show significant blue grain that can be reduced by using lightroom CA-Correction after sanning (some of the tungsten calibarion is lost by this adaptation).

Conclusion: RECOMMENDABLE - It's a pitty that the Kick-Starter-Project for 120-Type Film failed.

PS: All pictures are shown at my  Homepage

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